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Table 3: International investment position of the euro area (Euro 12) ( 1 )

(EUR billions, end-of-period positions)

1999 2000 2001 2002
Net Net Net Net Assets Liabilities
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) Figures may not add up due to rounding.
( 2 ) Assets refer to direct investment abroad and liabilities to direct investment in the euro area.
TOTAL −318.5 −386.8 −189.6 −289.6 7277.9 7567.5
as a % of GDP −5.1 −5.9 −2.8 −4.1 102.9 107.0
DIRECT INVESTMENT ( 2 ) 369.6 452.7 496.4 425.1 1937.5 1512.5
Equity capital and reinvested earnings 332.4 404.2 469.9 446.7 1554.4 1107.7
Other capital (mostly inter−company loans) 37.2 48.5 26.5 −21.7 383.1 404.8
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT −892.8 −786.4 −691.4 −756.3 2270.4 3026.7
Equity −685.3 −423.0 −459.6 −466.1 862.2 1328.3
Debt instruments −207.5 −363.4 −231.7 −290.2 1408.3 1698.5
Bonds and notes −209.4 −320.2 −238.7 −349.8 1168.7 1518.5
Money market instruments 1.9 −43.2 7.0 59.6 239.6 179.9
FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES 16.0 2.0 1.5 −8.1 122.6 130.7
OTHER INVESTMENT −193.5 −446.3 −388.8 −316.4 2581.3 2897.6
Trade credits 69.5 65.7 70.1 72.4 177.8 105.4
Loans/currency and deposits −341.1 −602.7 −553.3 −471.9 2213.7 2685.6
Other assets/liabilities 78.1 90.8 94.4 83.1 189.8 106.7
RESERVE ASSETS 382.2 391.2 392.7 366.1 366.1