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Key for the ECB's capital

1 December 1998

Following the notification issued by the Commission of the European Communities of revised GDP statistical data, it was decided to adjust the shares of the national central banks in the key for the capital of the European Central Bank (ECB) to the following percentage rates:

Nationale Bank van België /Banque Nationale de Belgique 2.8658%
Danmarks Nationalbank 1.6709%
Deutsche Bundesbank 24.4935%
Bank of Greece 2.0564%
Banco de España 8.8935%
Banque de France 16.8337%
Central Bank of Ireland 0.8496%
Banca d'Italia 14.8950%
Banque centrale du Luxembourg 0.1492%
De Nederlandsche Bank 4.2780%
Oesterreichische Nationalbank 2.3594%
Banco de Portugal 1.9232%
Suomen Pankki 1.3970%
Sveriges Riksbank 2.6537%
Bank of England 14.6811%

Banca Centrală Europeană

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