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New ECB premises

22 February 2001

Following intense discussion with the City authorities, the ECB has identified the site of the Frankfurter Großmarkthalle as a potential location for its future permanent headquarters. The ECB has expressed its serious interest in the site and is prepared to enter into formal negotiations with the competent authorities of the City of Frankfurt on the terms and conditions of the possible purchase and future development of the site.

The ECB's expression of serious interest is based on the measures intended by the City of Frankfurt with respect to the site and its surroundings. The ECB and the City of Frankfurt will agree on a binding date for the handover of the site. The final development of the site will be guided by a European-wide urban planning and architectural design competition carried out by the ECB and will be based on the ECB's requirements.

The ECB welcomes the City of Frankfurt's undertaking to push forward the plan to develop the road network around the Großmarkthalle in order to integrate the site in the city centre and to improve its accessibility.


Bank Ċentrali Ewropew

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European Central Bank

New premises

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