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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

ECB publishes calendars of its Executive Board Members

30 October 2015
  • ECB starts publishing EB members calendars in February 2016
  • The calendars will refer to period from 1 November 2015
  • Calendars will enhance transparency and accountability

The European Central Bank (ECB) announces today that it will start publishing the monthly meeting calendars of its Executive Board members. The calendars will refer to the period from 1 November 2015 and will be published with a lag of about three months. The first release will be in February 2016.

They will, as a rule, include appointments with external parties, unless releasing the information could undermine the protection of public interests recognised at EU level. The calendars will complement the information already currently available on the ECB website (including a weekly schedule of speaking engagements, monetary policy accounts, speeches and transcripts of media interviews).

The publication of calendars underscores the ECB’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

For media queries, please contact Eva Taylor, Tel: +49 69 1344 7162


Banc Ceannais Eorpach

Stiúrthóireacht Cumarsáide

Ceadaítear atáirgeadh ar choinníoll go n-admhaítear an fhoinse.

An Oifig Preasa

Úsáideann ár suíomh gréasáin fianáin

Bainimid úsáid as fianáin fheidhmiúla chun roghanna úsáideora a stóráil; fianáin tríú páirtí arna socrú ag seirbhísí tríú páirtí atá comhtháite sa suíomh gréasáin.

Tá sé de rogha agat glacadh leo nó iad a dhiúltú. Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise nó chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar do rogha maidir leis na fianáin agus na logaí freastalaí a úsáidimid, iarraimid ort an méid seo a leanas a dhéanamh:

Léigh ár ráiteas príobháideachais

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin gcaoi a n-úsáidimid fianáin