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Virtually everywhere? Digitalisation and jobs in the euro area (Part 2)

How is AI changing what we do? What does a job in the platform economy look like? And how is the coronavirus pandemic affecting the way we work in the long-term? Our host Michael Steen discusses these questions and more with economists Robert Anderton and Lara Vivian.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Published on 29 September 2020 and recorded on 13 August 2020.

In this episode
Digitalisation and job polarisation

How digitalisation is changing our roles and how job polarisation is affecting different euro area countries.

Zooming in on artificial intelligence

What the impact of AI is on jobs, what it means for the future of the job market and how AI is affecting different sectors.

The platform economy

What the characteristics of the platform economy are, how it has increased in size over the past years and possible policy implications.

Labour markets after coronavirus - the new normal?

How the pandemic could result in a permanent acceleration and take-up of digitalisation. Why this can pose challenges and provide new opportunities.

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