Għażliet tat-Tfixxija
Paġna ewlenija Midja Spjegazzjonijiet Riċerka u Pubblikazzjonijiet Statistika Politika Monetarja L-€uro Ħlasijiet u Swieq Karrieri
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Mhux disponibbli bil-Malti

Payment instructions – 2018

processed by TARGET and other selected interbank funds transfer systems: Volume of transactions (number of payments)
2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 AV
All TARGET payments
Total volume 16,596,865 16,132,349 16,491,433 15,317,725 16,741,525 16,612,171 16,053,729 15,552,153 14,607,406 17,877,474 16,605,906 15,380,712  
Daily average 754,403 806,617 785,306 765,886 760,978 791,056 729,715 676,181 730,370 777,281 754,814 809,511  
RTGS related payments
Total volume 7,387,587 6,867,128 7,427,166 7,248,463 7,636,105 7,613,418 7,765,399 7,220,540 6,845,130 7,941,560 7,350,316 7,139,829  
Daily average 335,799 343,356 353,675 362,423 347,096 362,544 352,973 313,937 342,257 345,285 334,105 375,780  
TARGET2 transactions on T2S Dedicated Cash Accounts (DCA)
Total volume 9,209,278 9,265,221 9,064,267 8,069,262 9,105,420 8,998,753 8,288,330 8,331,613 7,762,276 9,935,914 9,255,590 8,240,883  
TARGET2 transactions on TIPS Dedicated Cash Accounts (DCA)
Total volume                       164  
Other systems
Total volume 4,420,167 4,104,451 4,420,029 4,382,829 4,504,615 4,435,230 4,538,836 4,257,998 4,025,189 4,759,782 4,428,105 4,267,891  
Daily average 200,917 205,223 210,478 219,141 204,755 211,201 206,311 185,130 201,259 206,947 201,278 224,626  

Please note, from January 2009 the ESCB has implemented a new collection and reporting methodology for TARGET2 data to improve quality. A further improvement to this reporting methodology was implemented from January 2013. This should be considered when comparing data from before and after the implementation dates.
Please note, in June 2015 T2S went live. The transactions on DCA are reported separately.

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